Time: 7:00 - 9:00 PM
The Canadian Athletic Club will hold their Annual General Meeting and Election of Officers and Directors at 7:00 PM, March 11th via an online web meeting. The following positions are up for election, In order to be nominated for a position, the person must be a Regular, Life, or Honorary Life member of CAC.
If interested in putting your name forward for any position, please contact DEREK WARD at dward@cac-hockey.com or 780-691-7373.
The positions are as follows:
i. Vice President (must have served as an elected officer or director of the club for at least one year) - Gary Ash
ii. Treasurer
iii. Secretary
iv. Director 1 - Dennis Schmidt
v. Director 3 - Brad Glowinski
vi. Director 5 (if approved at AGM) - Jeff Harrop
vii. Director 6 (if approved at AGM) (one year term) - George Bachul
Other items to be presented at the AGM include approval of the 2019-20 Financial Report for the Club, approval of the Auditor for 2020-21 fiscal year, presentation of executive reports, and any new business brought up from the floor. Also, a special resolution to approve revised bylaws will be presented at the meeting.
Please join us for the AGM and support your Canadian Athletic Club. An email notice with a link to join the meeting will be sent to all CAC members in good standing.
Rick McAdie President