2021 Graduating Players

Jun. 14, 2021

Congratulations to all CAC Graduating Players of 2021 Hockey Season!

Andrew Barter,   Matt Clark,   Ryan Duguay,   Easton Housworth,   Matteo Hueston,   Braeden Huth, 

Brett Hyland,   Dylan Knapton,   Nolan Kordic,   Matthew Popowich,   Cole Ward


The time has come to congratulate and acknowledge you and your successful years at Canadian Athletic Club.

Given the landscape of this unprecedented hockey season, we are not able to have the annual banquet hosted by CAC.  

However, we would like to take the opportunity to host and honor those graduating with a very small, socially distanced, AHS approved and sanctioned event.

This event is for YOU!! The graduating CAC hockey player, and the CAC coaching team, directors, and esteemed guests.


It was held at the Royal Mayfair Golf and Country Club on Saturday, June 12, 2021


Best Regards and Good Luck with your future endeavors,


The Canadian Athletic Club


Andrew Barter

Matt Clark

 Ryan Duguay

Easton Housworth

Matteo Hueston

Braeden Huth

Brett Hyland

Dylan Knapton

Cole Ward



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